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Why Winter Can Be a Higher Risk for Tree Damage

Having trees in your yard offers many wonderful benefits, including aesthetic beauty, wildlife habitat, shade, and cooling. However, trees can pose a risk to people and property. That is why tree pruning and timely tree removal can be essential, especially during inclement weather and seasonal periods in which tree damage is more likely to occur.

During the colder winter months, trees face a higher risk of significant limb damage due to freezing rain. Additionally, winter storm fronts are known to have high winds that can uproot trees, potentially causing serious property damage and injury to people.

When Preventative Tree Care and Removal Is Vital

For homeowners with trees that could become hazardous in inclement weather because of their location to structures, having them significantly cut back or removed is recommended. Additionally, pruning or cutting down trees that are older, diseased, and insect infested is a smart choice because trees with these conditions are more susceptible to falling, uprooting, and splintering.

Knowing the Signs of a Damaged Tree

Trees that have been damaged by disease, insect infestations, or age often display noticeable signs that make identification easy. These signs include reduced leaf production, discolored and spotted leaves, burrows formed by insects in the trunk or branches, and brittle branches that easily break.

Tree Removal After Inclement Weather

Getting timely tree removal and branch maintenance after a storm can be costly and challenging, especially when there are many homes in the area affected. That is why preventative maintenance and removal of at-risk trees is best. In addition to the potential wait time for removal, loss of functional use of rooms can become an issue if tree limbs permeate the home.

Tree Damage and Insurance

When assessing insurance coverage for tree damage, homeowners are advised to contact their carriers for clarity about their coverage before an event occurs. This helps ensure they can upgrade their policies to add more coverage if they are underinsured. Many homeowner insurance policies cover the repair of the structure after tree damage but do not cover complete personal property loss, the cost of displacement during repairs, or medical expenses if injury occurs.

Other Benefits of Winter Tree Removal

Removing trees from your yard can improve your landscaping diversity, make cleanup and planting easier in the spring, and reduce fire risk during dry seasons.

How to Get Your Free Tree Risk Assessment

If you’re interested in a complimentary assessment for professional tree maintenance and removal, our tree experts at AAA Mammoth Tree & Landscaping in Tucson, AZ are here to help. They can proactively evaluate the risks posed trees to your home, garage, and outbuildings, as well as the potential dangers to power, water, sewer, and septic lines from trees in your yard. Contact us to schedule your free tree risk evaluation and tree removal cost analysis.