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Signs of Overwatered Trees

Overwatering your trees can be just as detrimental to their health as underwatering them. It’s important to pay attention to the signs that your trees may be getting too much water so that you can adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Here are a few indications that you may be watering your trees excessively.

Soggy Soil

If the soil around your trees is constantly wet and soggy, it’s a sign that you’re giving them too much water. Overwatering can cause soil to become compacted, making it difficult for the tree’s roots to absorb necessary oxygen and nutrients. Also, soggy soil can lead to root rot and fungal growth, which can seriously harm your tree. When watering your trees, check the soil and make sure it’s not overly saturated.

Yellowing Leaves

Trees that are overwatered may display yellowing leaves. This is because the excess water is causing the tree’s roots to suffocate, which can lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the rest of the tree. In addition, overwatered trees may also be vulnerable to pests and disease due to their weakened state.

Fungal Growth

Overwatering can lead to fungal growth on the tree’s roots and trunk. This certainly signals that the tree is not getting enough oxygen, and that can lead to other problems. In addition, fungal growth can prevent the tree’s roots from absorbing necessary nutrients, which weakens the whole tree. To avoid this problem, ensure the soil around your tree isn’t thoroughly saturated.

Wilting Leaves and Root Rot

When the conditions described above persist, the problems only get worse. If the leaves on your tree are wilting, it’s a sign that it is not getting sufficient oxygen. The excess water can prevent the tree’s roots from absorbing this necessary substance, and that deprives the rest of the tree of it. When overwatering continues, it can cause the tree’s roots to rot. This can also make the tree more susceptible to pests, diseases, and environmental stressors. Another sign of root rot is a distinct odor from the base of the tree. If you notice any of these symptoms, adjust your watering schedule and make sure the soil around the tree isn’t soggy. Aside from the damage caused to the roots, continuing to overwater can cause leaves to drop prematurely, an indication of a tree’s extremely poor health. Keep an eye on the leaves and use their condition as a guide.

Your Local Tree Service Experts

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to adjust your watering schedule and ensure the soil around your tree isn’t overly saturated with water. If you still need help, contact us at AAA Mammoth Tree & Landscaping for excellent tree services in Tucson, AZ.